Friday, April 6, 2012

I see us on a beach down in Mexico

Oh B.O.B., how did you describe my Spring Break so perfectly?

Four days of no cell phones, no Netflix or Facebook distractions,
and no constantly needing to check the time or my calendar.
Just us girls, the  beach and the sun, and 4 days of spontaneous adventures (assisted of course by margaritas and pina coladas).

I officially love Mexico, tortillas, and especially, the beach.
I love the feel of the tiny grains of sand under my feet.
I could stand on the water with my eyes closed, feeling the breeze all day.

That's the nice thing about the beach. No matter how the weather is, or how many people are in the water, the waves will always move back and forth, toward and away from the shore. It makes you just not care about worrying about the little things anymore. What does it matter if your wearing makeup or if you showered this morning? It doesn't.

Well now I'm back to real life which is, needless to say, not quite as enjoyable. Its been like 2 or 3 weeks and im STILL on SB mode (which is probably not good considering I have 2 midterms next week...).

But hey, there's always Spring Break 2013 right?

OH and I just remembered I also get to cross #4 off my Bucketlist AWEYEA!

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